Archive for January, 2013

Ha! Finally Lightwave 3D 11.5 has been released into the wild or rather my little paws. Most excited about it as it has some very much needed and appreciated additions to the program.
Looking forward to trying out the new UV layout option and hair transfer from ZBrush.

It’s a good time to be a Lightwave user!

Okay got this in the post the other day and as I have a good wait before the White Armour gets here well …Might as well have a related project no?


And that folks is where I’m at so far.If you are interested in perhaps picking one up go…

We had a German Sherperd cross delivered the other day. She’s a pretty little pooch. Say hello to Talon.



Talon's fancy mat

Talon’s fancy mat

The dog"s new toy

The dog”s new toy


I was so hoping hockey was tanked for this year. No joy I’m afraid. Now favorite shows will be getting preempted by greedy beggars flogging more greedy beggars skating around playing a child’s game getting paid millions.
Disgusting. I truly hope people will wake up and boycott the “rest” of the season to show their disdain for the complete disregard for the fans that pay “their” bills. Sadly that won’t happen as the fans will still show up forking out the dough.
