Archive for November, 2015

A bit more while the wee boy slept.


I am kind of in a bit of a stunned daze right now. Since I first saw Star Wars decades ago, I wished and dreamed about having a big Millennium Falcon of my very own. As purchasing one of the $5000 plus miniatures was not ever going to happen I was overjoyed to hear about DeAgostini’s  venture into a studio scaled version.

Well they released their monthly kit version and I watched others build it with great envy over the last year or so. My wife must have seen my anguish and one day said “Okay go ahead and get the subscription”. Let me say this first. This is not a cheap sub. My wife is a scifi fan and knows what this means to me. Thank you thank you Thank you!

I just got my first months pack on the doorstep this afternoon. I will up progress pics and perhaps video of this build journey I’m about to embark on to my Youtube account.

Thank you Azusa!

Okay so I decide to open up Lightwave Modeller for the first time in….forever.

This is what I have so far.RM_Star_01

Wish I had better pics of Mr. M’s work to work with.

I must say I have become more than disenchanted with FB.It is like all the stupid people have come out from under their rocks and have found their voices.

Is it just me or am I just misreading the situation?