Archive for the ‘Video_samples’ Category

Well I know it is a real long shot but there are examples of people making a decent income on Youtube. So as I have the gear and a wee bit of knowledge I figure I should come up with an idea or two for a channel.

3D is being done to death and I am not very good at explaining what I do [I just do it] it is not something I’m willing to invest a crapton of time on. I may do some outdoors type programming. I’m in a great location for it and a day outside is better than any day at a desk job.

Hope it works out as I’m not getting any younger.

Well I got a Sankyo 600 Super 8 projector in today. Why this would be a big deal?

It is a big deal because I was sent some old and never seen before Super 8 and Regular 8 films from the 60’s 70’s of family events a such.

It was way too cool to relive some things that were a bit foggy in the old brain.

Now I just have to find a decent regular 8 player to view the really old films. They have some stuff on them I was not around to witness then but would sure love to see now.

I’ll try to record the reels to digital using my Sony EX3 as having these reels done by a …..Pro would be cost prohibitive.

If they turn out I’ll up my “James Boob” spoof to  my Youtube channel. Then you the viewers of the channel might see just how much making dreams into reality has been

a part of my life for….forever!

All the best to everyone that has taken the time to drop in (or by accident even)  to my wee spot on the net.
I hope I can make up some cool stuff that will make your visits worthwhile in 2014!

In the meantime have a great 2014 everyone!



Wow 3 years old! Hard to believe you all have taken the time to view my stuff.
Thanks to everyone that has commented or liked something here.
I appreciate it.

Mostly handheld stuff. Must get some good tripod stuff upped as well…..

Once I have some I can show.