Hello world.

Posted: September 17, 2018 in Life posts, Prop Building, Random 3D, Uncategorized

Been a very long time. Did a few things.

  1. evil_genius_180 says:

    A few things? Looks like you’ve been quite busy. 🙂

    Also, welcome back to the world. Or, at least, the online blogging world.

  2. gregcharest says:

    Hi Chris. Thank you. I Facebook more out of convenience or is it laziness?

  3. gregcharest says:

    You have to have an insanely thick skin to traverse FB. That or like using the delete comment function a LOT!
    I laugh at a lot of stuff there as people think they are the only ones that have a valid opinion.
    That is usually the bunch I like to rile up. Troll me…F you.
    Beyond that there are is a lot of amazing stuff out there if you don’t read the comments.

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